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Peerdweb: our origin story

Dan Whitman
Dan Whitman

How we started:

As founders, we love bringing digital products to life. Adding value to the customer journey by providing a seamless user experience, removing bottlenecks, making it intuitive and cool to use. That’s what gets us out of bed in the morning. Coupled with our passion for product, we’re techies at heart, and strong advocates of blockchain technology - particularly its potential to revolutionise many sectors outside of crypto-currency and gimmicky NFTs. We identified a strong market fit in Intellectual Property (IP) and coincidentally attended a Clarivate webinar discussing disruptive generative AI technology, which really gave us an appreciation for the interdependency between a strong legal system and innovation. Without a strong legal system the incentives to innovate are not there. This led us on a journey to build Peerdweb, using our tech for good mantra to drive innovation.

Market need:

It's becoming increasingly apparent to companies that a significant portion of their valuation lies in their IP. Trade secrets, in particular, are integral to every company's competitive advantage, yet they are often not protected as rigorously as patents and trademarks. The cost of trade secret theft is huge, somewhere between 1-3% of GDP in the US alone 🤯 We tend to think of cyber threats as external hackers, and whilst these are getting more sophisticated, a staggering 85% of trade secret litigations brought before the US courts stem from internal thefts by employees and third parties. The past decade has witnessed a marked increase in employee mobility and strategic poaching, further exacerbated with the softening of non-compete laws; putting further onus on trade secret holders to better protect their valuable IP assets. Additionally, we observe a shifting trend away from the traditional patent system, which is becoming less practical and relevant due to rising costs, timeliness, territorial fragmentation etc. - all contributing to inertia in the face of accelerating change and innovation.

Why Peerdweb:

We built Peerdweb to give peace of mind to the creators, innovators, and visionaries of tomorrow by providing them with an easy way to secure and access evidence of their trade secret activity, thereby deterring and enforcing trade secret rights. Our solution focuses on addressing the key challenges trade secret holders face: establishing proof of ownership and demonstrating reasonable protective measures. Our blockchain technology offers a distinct advantage over traditional methods, thanks to its enhanced security features. It facilitates the registration of the entire lifecycle of a trade secret as an encrypted, timestamped, and immutable record, manifesting on the blockchain network solely as a digital fingerprint. This method not only simplifies the verification of a trade secret's existence and ownership but also ensures a secure, tamper-proof audit trail of access, maintaining the utmost confidentiality critical in trade secret management.

What Next:

Interested in being a part of our journey? Whether you're an innovator, creator, or industry leader, your insight and engagement is invaluable to us. Help us shape the future of trade secret management and set a new benchmark for protecting the world's most valuable assets.

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